Yes. You must have a current Aiki Kai Australia membership to practice in a class, this is to do with legal indemnity cover for both you and the organisation.
The membership levels are: Adult – Family – Child – Student Concession – University. link to Aiki Kai Australia Member Application
NSW Aiki-Kai is the NSW representative of the National organization Aiki-Kai Australia (AKA). AKA is the official representative for Aikido World Headquarters Japan, as well as the I.A.F. (International Aikido Federation) Aiki-kai NSW and Aki-Kai Australia are Not-for-Profit organisations, our instructors and organisers volunteer their own time.
For new students under the age of 18, please complete the online form but you must also use this downloadable Membership Application form, with the Parent or Guardian to co-sign and provide the hard copy to your instructor. PDF Membership Application Form
Electronic funds transfer are preferred.

Membership Fees

Membership Fees are listed on the Join page at the top or by clicking this link.