Hello everyone, General classes have resumed in Granville held in The Granville Centre Multipurpose Room 1, located at 1 Memorial Drive, Granville NSW 2142. Monday 18:30 – 20:00 Youz Iqbal Wednesday 18:30 – 20:00 Andrew Dziedzic Note for the time being these classes are being conducted without mats.
Remember to bring a hand towel, hand sanitizer / wipes and mask and follow Covid-19 safe protocols.
Please read through Information for indoor training with social distancing below. Jikou Sugano NSW Area Rep Information for indoor training with social distancing.
- You are training at your own risk.
- The overall approach is: Get in, train, get out.
- If possible, come dressed ready for training, because apart from toilets, access to change rooms is discouraged, as is use of showers, or any other common areas.
- Social distancing of at least 1.5 metres is required at all times off the mat.
- Social distancing on the mat will depend on the nature of the training. For example, if doing unarmed shadowing, at least 1.5 metres between trainees. If using jos, more than 2 jo lengths between trainees is required to avoid contact between weapons.
- Each person to remain in their own training space for the duration of the training.
- Avoid touching your own face (particularly during training).
- Use hand sanitiser/wash hands before and after training and after going to the toilet.
- If you sneeze or cough, do it into the crook of your elbow and then use hand sanitizer/wash hands.
- There is detailed information on our website on hand cleaning, cough sneeze etiquette and Dojo cleaning.
- Use hand sanitizer/wash hands if you accidentally touch someone.
- It is strongly recommended that you bring your own water bottle. Drinking fountains should not be used..
- Only use your own weapons and wipe down weapons with hand sanitizer or wipes if they are touched by someone else.
- As soon as you get home, hot shower with soap and also wash your gi.
- Follow instructions regarding handling money e.g. bring the correct amount if paying with cash.
- Socialising before or after class is discouraged, use another location if you wish to do this.
- Keep social distancing when entering or leaving the dojo and do not bunch at entrance of the dojo.
- Assist with cleaning the dojo if requested by your instructor e.g. cleaning the mat and cleaning frequently touched surfaces.
- Do not attend if experiencing even mild cold or flu symptoms (but please get tested).
- Do not attend if you have had any contact with anyone who has returned from overseas in the last 14 days, or who has or might have COVID-19 infection.
- If you feel you are in a ‘higher risk’ category, discuss your situation with your instructor and arrange to train in a way that is appropriate for your condition/situation.